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每日一词∣科技革命和产业变革 sci

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每日一词∣科技革命和产业变革 sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation

中国日报网 2019-11-03 09:00

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10月26日,2019世界青年科学家峰会在浙江温州召开。国家主席习近平向大会致贺信。他指出,当前,新一轮科技革命和产业变革蓬勃兴起。科技的未来在青年。开展科技人文交流,推动青年创新合作,是各国共同愿望。In a congratulatory letter to the World Young Scientist Summit 2019, which opened Saturday in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, President Xi Jinping said that in the flourishing, new sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation, it is the common aspiration of all countries to engage in sci-tech and cultural exchanges and promote cooperation on innovations among youthful researchers, in whose hands the future of science and technology lies.




2019世界青年科学家峰会由中国科学技术协会与浙江省人民政府共同举办,于10月26日至27日在浙江温州举行。峰会以“汇聚天下英才,共创美好未来”为主题,开设了科学时刻、对话未来、拥抱科技、团聚分享等四大板块35项子活动,主要有1场开幕式、12项核心子活动和22项延伸活动。重点活动有党政领导与科学家高端对话、人才项目高端对接活动、全球青年科技领袖圆桌会、中欧可持续发展未来社区建设合作研讨会、5个青年π活动和宣言发布会等。 来自102个国家、地区和国际组织的代表参加了本次峰会,共有诺奖得主4人、图灵奖得主1人,海外院士57人,国内院士52人。


交流思想,互学互鉴,筑牢友谊基石,扎紧合作纽带,让更多青年科技人才施展抱负、成就梦想,以科技创新引领经济社会发展,共创人类发展的美好未来!The participants of the summit should exchange ideas, learn from each other, build a solid foundation of friendship and strengthen the bond of cooperation. The young scientists and technology researchers should give full play to their ambitions and realize their dreams, so as to lead social and economic development with sci-tech innovation and create a better future for human development.——2019年10月26日,习近平向2019世界青年科学家峰会致贺信



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